Following on from an earlier post, Here are a few more shots from my shoot with Barry in Adare a few weeks ago. There are only so many photos I can take of one man and his guitar, so you might find these a little repetitive by the time you get to the end. I’m always looking for feedback, so do let me know which ones are your favourite/least favourite and why!
Having just left Ireland, Barry has recently started blogging about life in Holland – be sure to check it out:
This chap can only be described as a character. I’ve known him for a long time now. He recently got in touch and asked me if I would mind taking a few shots for him playing his guitar “for a laugh, like”. For something that was only supposed to be for a laugh, I have to say there was a lot of undirected (natural) shaping going on!! 🙂 Although I do reckon he’d make a great model – if only for his ability to follow direction (oh, and his rugged good looks).
It was a miserable bloody day – stormy is the only way to describe it. We ended up spending a few hours out in the rain around Adare getting the shots, I have to say, it was nothing short of hilarious. I’ll be posting a few non-50mm photos from this set over the next few weeks.
Alas, I won’t see the lad for a while now as he is moving abroad. Fitz, best of luck with your new career working as a Musical Weatherman on Dutch national TV!! 😛
This is Ela, one of my two beautiful nieces. The girls live over in London, so I don’t get to see them very often. I was looking through some photos from earlier this Summer when I came across this – a very happy Ela who got covered in sand while playing on Garretstown beach near Ballinspittle, Co. Cork. I’ve posted a few photos of Azra before, but I think this is Ela’s first time featuring here.
Girls, I’m hope to see you both very soon (and your folks of course)! 🙂
Another one from the archives. I found this shot of my god son, Max, while looking for another photo yesterday. I thought he was looking particularly cool with his hat and curls.
Another one from the archives! This is one of my many attempts at a self-portrait for a Limerick Camera Club challenge last November. I originally strayed away from this idea because I was limited to a 12×8 print – and it’s a crop that just didn’t suit the image (IMO).
Unfortunately I can’t say that the idea was my own – I got it from the cover of a book called “Crashed and Byrned“. Worth the read for the Motorsport heads – can be stomach turning in places, but it’s an interesting book about a very interesting character.
I’m not sure about the image or the processing. Any suggestions?
Dec 30.
The night started out as a poker night – although only one game was played. We moved onto a game of Death Air Hockey. Both knocked out in the first round, Kevin and Gary decided to toast each other on their loss. With the chink of glass, there was a splash of beer – the bottom fell out of Gary’s bottle! After officials cleaned the Air Hockey table – play resumed. Kevin’s fiancee, Edel, went on to win the tournament.
A very late – but great night – thanks to all for coming along!
Dec 6.
My mother graduated in UCC yesterday. Rotten weather, but we had a great day. Went to Jim Edwards in Kinsale afterwards for dinner – beautiful as usual! Well done Mom, we’re all really proud of you!
Not sure about the processing on this one – any comments or suggestions?
Nov 5.
Feet up in front of the fire, reading my favourite book – The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: A Trilogy in Four Parts. Unfortunately this photo is totally staged… I never sit down, have a beer and read a book. I never have time! I normally only read when I’m travelling or in bed! But the Hitchhiker’s Guide books are my favourites – along with the Dirk Gently books, also written by Douglas Adams.
Why all the self-portraits recently? I joined the Limerick Camera Club earlier in the year – they have a competition night once a month and the challenge subject for December is “Self-portrait”.
I honestly didn’t think there would be so much effort involved in taking a self portrait. But in the process, I’ve found myself needing longing for some new equipment to make the job a little easier. The downside – there are a few more self portraits to come over the next week or so.
I think that’s my longest post ever!
Nov 4.
Yet another attempt at a self portrait… this time the goal was to capture me where I’m happiest – Driving. Driving up O’Connell St. in Limerick in the five. Heater turned up to the last because the back passenger side window was wide open to accommodate the superclamp I used to mount the camera. Again, I really enjoyed taking this shot. I’ll have to invest in a 10-22mm Lens really really soon.
Crosstown Traffic – the original is here.
Nov 3.
This shot gives away exactly how far behind I am on my 365 blog. I will catch up!
Another shoddy attempt at a self portrait. I actually didn’t realise I was staring across the Shannon (in flood) at what’s left of the floating Christmas tree. It crashed into the “New” bridge after breaking loose while it was being towed out to it’s mooring.
Nov 1.
Setup the camera while I was working (9-5) late one evening. I think I can strike “Hand Model” off my list of potential future careers.